Outlook | AIM

Market Commentary for Fourth Quarter 2023

2023 ended with a roar as stock markets had an exceptional year and fixed income asset classes finished the year with returns near their long term averages.
Written by Brian Huckstep, CFA, CFP®, Chief Investment Officer

Market Update for November 2023

Stock and bond prices ripped higher during November, as many investors have come to expect that the Fed is going to lower interest rates during 2024, which would justify higher stock and bond prices.
Written by Brian Huckstep, CFA, CFP®, Chief Investment Officer

Market Update for October 2023

October continued the most recent slide in stock and bond prices that started 8/1/23.
Written by Brian Huckstep, CFA, CFP®, Chief Investment Officer

Market Commentary for Third Quarter 2023

Returns started the quarter strong, but rising interest rates cast a pall over markets, driving a majority of asset classes to post negative returns for the third quarter.
Written by Brian Huckstep, CFA, CFP®, Chief Investment Officer

Market Update for August 2023

Negative market returns as interest rates rise causes concerns in the market to increase.
Written by Brian Huckstep, CFA, CFP®, Chief Investment Officer
*Investment outlook content presented on this page is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and should not be considered individualized investment advice. Opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Advyzon Investment Management LLC (AIM). Opinions are considered accurate as of the date of publication, but are subject to change without notice. Certain information may constitute “forward-looking statements” which can be identified by the use of terminology such as expect, anticipate, target, project, estimate, intend, or believe. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or performance of investments may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. AIM was approved by the SEC as a registered investment adviser in March 2022. Some content included here was prepared by individuals prior to their employment with AIM.