Managed Portfolios | AIM

Managed Portfolios | AIM

Managed Portfolios - Choose a tab for more information on each strategy
Active / Passive
ETF Portfolios
ESG Active / Passive
Tax Sensitive ETF
Foundational Portfolios
Income Portfolios
SMAs Portfolios
Direct Indexing
Active / Passive Target Allocation Portfolios
  • Traditional, core, long term, diversified portfolios
  • Constructed with a combination of active mutual funds and passive ETF’s from a variety of fund families
  • Portfolios benefit from both alpha seeking active management and inexpensive passive management
  • Should be used to meet the majority of an investor’s goals
  • We provide transition tax optimization and periodic tax loss harvesting for taxable accounts
* The allocations shown for each portfolio are target allocations only and will fluctuate with changes in the market. Allocations may be adjusted over time and are subject to change without notice. Asset allocation and diversification are strategies used to mitigate risk, but they do not eliminate the risk of loss or guarantee a profit.
ESG Focused Target Allocation Portfolios
  • Invest in exclusively ESG oriented mutual funds and ETF's in every asset class
  • Core, long term, diversified portfolios that can be used for the majority of an investor’s goals
  • Combine strategies from a diverse set of fund families
  • We provide transition tax optimization and periodic tax loss harvesting for taxable accounts
* The allocations shown for each portfolio are target allocations only and will fluctuate with changes in the market. Allocations may be adjusted over time and are subject to change without notice. Asset allocation and diversification are strategies used to mitigate risk, but they do not eliminate the risk of loss or guarantee a profit.
Tax Sensitive ETF Target Allocation Portfolios
  • Core, long term, diversified portfolios will typically be used for taxable accounts
  • Appropriate for investors who are in the highest tax brackets or are very concerned about taxes
  • ETF’s have inherent tax advantages over other fund structures
  • We provide transition tax optimization and periodic tax loss harvesting for taxable accounts
* The allocations shown for each portfolio are target allocations only and will fluctuate with changes in the market. Allocations may be adjusted over time and are subject to change without notice. Asset allocation and diversification are strategies used to mitigate risk, but they do not eliminate the risk of loss or guarantee a profit.
Fundamental Target Allocation Portfolios
  • Basic asset allocation portfolios that invest in low cost ETF's
  • Designed to allow smaller accounts to have access to professionally managed, reasonably diverse investments
  • Able to be used with accounts as small as $1,000
  • Each portfolio invests in a maximum of five ETF's plus Cash
* The allocations shown for each portfolio are target allocations only and will fluctuate with changes in the market. Allocations may be adjusted over time and are subject to change without notice. Asset allocation and diversification are strategies used to mitigate risk, but they do not eliminate the risk of loss or guarantee a profit.
ETF Target Allocation Portfolios
  • Core, long term, diversified portfolios, constructed with Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's)
  • The weighted average annual management fees are very low for our ETF portfolios - between 0.04% and 0.08%
  • ETF's have inherent tax advantages over other fund structures
  • ETF's do not have short term redemption fees (like many mutual funds), making them attractive for shorter term goals
  • Appropriate for investors who want a purely passive investment program
  • ETF's and ETF based portfolios can be traded throughout the day, unlike mutual funds that trade only after market close
* The allocations shown for each portfolio are target allocations only and will fluctuate with changes in the market. Allocations may be adjusted over time and are subject to change without notice. Asset allocation and diversification are strategies used to mitigate risk, but they do not eliminate the risk of loss or guarantee a profit.
Income Portfolios
  • The Diversified Income Portfolio invests in active mutual funds and passive ETF’s. It targets the same risk level as a traditional diversified 50% equity and 50% bond portfolio (a popular risk level for retirees). It is a broadly diversified / core strategy and can be used for an investor’s entire investment program. Compared to our traditional Active/Passive 50% Equity portfolio, it trades off some long term growth for a higher level of annual income, for investors who value current income. The annual yield should typically be between 1 and 3% higher than a traditional diversified retirement portfolio.
  • The Focused High Income Portfolio invests in active mutual funds and passive ETF’s. It is a focused fund and is not as diversified as a typical core "all-in" asset allocation strategy. It is most often used as a component within a broadly diversified Investment Policy. The portfolio targets 50% exposure to equities. It targets a level of yield that is in the same range as High Yield Bonds (typically 4 to 8%), but the portfolio includes US and non-US equities, US and-non-US bonds, and alternatives to reduce interest rate sensitivity and overall drawdown risk relative to a simple high yield bond fund.
Alternative Multi-Asset Portfolio
  • Invests in a broad range of alternative and non-core asset classes
  • Offer the potential to lower risk and increase return
  • Incorporates both inexpensive index based strategies and active investment strategies
  • We provide transition tax optimization and periodic tax loss harvesting for taxable accounts
SMAs Diversified US Equity Portfolio
  • Invests in a combination of active and passive US equity ETF's and Mutual Funds
  • Combines a mix of focused, uncorrelated, best-in-breed active strategies with inexpensive, broad market beta
  • Covers large, mid, and small capitalization ranges, growth and value
  • Provides diversification at low cost, with the opportunity to add alpha
SMAs Diversified International Equity Portfolio
  • Invests in a combination of active and passive Non- US equity ETF's and Mutual Funds
  • Combines a mix of focused, uncorrelated, best-in-breed active strategies with inexpensive, broad market beta
  • Encompasses both developed, and emerging market regions
  • Covers large, mid, and small capitalization ranges, growth and value
  • Provides diversification at low cost, with the opportunity to add alpha
SMAs Diversified Bond Portfolio
  • Invests in a combination of active and passive bond oriented ETF's and Mutual Funds
  • Combines a mix of focused, uncorrelated, best-in-breed active strategies with inexpensive, broad market beta
  • Spans diverse bond sectors and regions, including
    • Government, credit, mortgage, and other agency
    • Investment grade and high yield
    • Fixed income and floating rate
    • Long, intermediate, and short term
    • US and international
  • Provides diversification at low cost, with the opportunity to add alpha
Direct Indexing Portfolios
  • Provide inexpensive diversified market beta
  • Enable investors to benefit from tax loss harvesting to improve after tax returns
  • Investors can customize their portfolio to exclude sectors or stocks
  • We provide transition tax optimization and periodic tax loss harvesting for taxable accounts
* The allocations shown for each portfolio are target allocations only and will fluctuate with changes in the market. Allocations may be adjusted over time and are subject to change without notice. Asset allocation and diversification are strategies used to mitigate risk, but they do not eliminate the risk of loss or guarantee a profit.
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